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A Yellow Bird Sings the Blues

~Julia Warren

I think that people often forget that poetry books are books too and when I was asked to write a review, A Yellow Bird Sings the Blues was the first on my mind. I picked up a copy last December while the author, Oliver Baxxter, was on tour with his band. At that point, I had read his other book, Kill the Boy and wanted more of his work. Baxxter has written a few books, two of which are currently available on iTunes; this one is not included. I am assuming that soon he will re-release this book, as he has recently sold out of the first edition printing.

Many of the poems included, evoked emotion, interest, and passion in me. Many of them take the theme of love and relationships while others explore mental health and some of Baxxter’s personal experiences. One of my favorites was “Baptized” which deals with feeling unworthy in church. Another was “Perhaps, you are right.” It challenges the idea of feeling not good enough. No matter where in the book, I have found a poem worth reading on every page.

I would recommend this to anyone who likes poetry, and even if you do not, I think you might just enjoy it. Something about the way Oliver Baxxter writes seems to connect with me, and I think that one of his pieces will connect with anyone reading it.

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